Saturday, May 31, 2008

Hey Holly,

Thanks for setting this up and getting me up to date with technology. I am pretty good at emails so we will see how I do with this. It was fun getting to see you all I usually have to work so I miss out on the fun outings. I know there was a few of you that I have not seen since our ten year reunion. I think you are right that we have an amazing set of friends. I know that people at work are always amazed that we still see each other. I feel pretty lucky to be able to call you all my friends, and very grateful that I was lucky enough to be included in that circle of friendship. Hope we can get together soon.

Love Stacey

Friday, May 30, 2008

Spread the word

I sent emails to those of you who gave them to me the last couple of times we got together, but I know I did not get every ones and there are people who weren't there. So, I need all of you to help me get this set up. Send me any email addresses you have that I may not, if I already have them then that is great......I'd rather get them twice then not invite people. Once it is going then we can all add posts and pictures and keep updated on each others lives. I am pretty sure there will be some of us who post often....and others who just spy and check the log, but don't contribute. Whatever works for you!!!


Alrighty girls, I told you I was going to start us a blog so we can keep updated and each other. It is kind of crazy that there are so many of us that live with in minutes of each other, but we hardly ever get together. I know some people would think it strange that after so long we wold all still be freinds (it has been 15 years since we graduated) but it was always odd to everyone that we had such a big, fun group of amazing friends!!! So here we go....and I know some of you may not know what blogging is, but I am going to get you into the new genration!!!! (just kidding, I only recently was introduced to it)